Tag Archives: butler

Facebook Friendship Map

The other day when I was on the train to work, I read an article published by Metro ‘”Facebook friendships around the world highlighted in stunning map‘ and I thought of sharing this with you guys.

An intern on Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, Paul Butler, was interested to find out the locations of friendships around the globe. He started by using a sample of 10million pairs of friends and combined those data with each user’s current city and summed the number of friends between each pair of cities and then mapped that data using the longitude and latitude of each city.

This is what the Facebook world looks like in social graph. Amazing, isn’t it?

It won’t be surprise, the US has the highest concentration of Facebook friendships and Africa the lowest. Facebook was banned in China and Russia’s no 1 social network is “Vkontakte”.
Now, let’s look at South East Asia. What’s it mean to you?